There is no doubt that our house has been crazy lately. It all started when Bob got sick the week before last. He ended up in the bed for nearly a week. Then I went to get Kayden out of bed the following Thursday and she had a fever (right ear infection). With the fever aside, I don't believe she even knew she was sick. But, to top things off I end up in the bed sick by Saturday night. It was a crazy time but everyone is back to regular scheduled programming and we are doing great.
Since the last post Kayden has begun to roll over, and over, and over again. I have been trying to figure out how to post the video so hopefully I will have it up soon. She has also found her feet and everytime I put her on her changing table she grabs them. I should say that lately it seems like when she isn't rolling over, she is holding onto her feet.
Kayden also enjoyed sitting in her bumbo seat and watching the Tiger Bowl. Geaux Tigers!! he-he-he.
sweet little feet!
wait until she starts eating those sweet feet!
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